November 28, 2004

I turned the world upside down!

Wooohooo!! Actions speak louder than words and this post just can't desribe the adrenalin and bloodrush I had when I did a 140ft. freefall at the High Street Phoenix Xtreme Bungee Jump! There was an obscene 1 1/2 hr. waiting time so by the time my turn came, I was superbored, emotionless and unaware of what I'm getting into. It was only until I reached the summit and jumped (no I didn't think anything before jumping. No pauses.) and did the freefall until the cord pulled me back that I realised "HOLY SHIT!! What the *beep* just happened!!" Breather - Just got a spine chill as I write this. Guess I react only 3 hours later! So yeah there I was in mid-air suspended by a lifesaving bungee cord, shouting my lungs out, doing the Superman and Spider-Man, trying to figure out what's where down there and not willing to offer my hands to the person below who was waiting to pull me down. It was way too much fun! Pics later - Battery died down. But faithfully after the showdown! :) On more updates, went for the 1st anniversary deviantMeet this morning, had a fun time with 4 other Deviants, chilled out at Cha Bar in Oxford Bookstore. Hmm, since when did I start having so much fun on weekends? :) Post Goa!

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