First, a quick WTF about Facebook for those who came in late or never did. By far the best social networking application and platform, Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg as for his Harvard University. More history here, but it's definitely defining the future of social software and how we interact with it, and our peer circles. Let me put it this way... way way back, when you wanted to communicate or stay in touch with friends, it was the BBS world, then came email, followed by chat, IM and now - dense social networks like Facebook (yes Orkut and MySpace also seem old skool now).
Just about a month back, Facebook released a Platform for other services to build on top of, and integrate with the site. Essentially, you're now able to share your virtual life and lifestyle with your peers who are constantly updated of what you're upto. Little wonder, no one dares to ask "wazzup?" anymore! Summing up... here's my list of the top 10 apps I like on Facebook.

'Coz I'm a flixphile. Seen 1,200+ movies so far!

Share the luuv! Publishes my public favorites.

Fetches all my Flickr photos & sets - no duplication!

The best calendar/lifeminder out there, methinks.

Wow, this one should have come with Facebook by default. Start typing a friend's name and jump to their profile/album/message them directly.

The 'wassup' killer. I ping Twitter in Google Talk, updates here!

This one's made by Facebook and could get much better.

Great for nomads. Shows your past trips and let you invite pals to plan future ones.

Rate books I own, want or would like to lend. Vice versa.

Freedom of expression and/or defamation :)
Other Fun/Noteworthy Apps

The most fun eCards. Love 'em! Integrated with Facebook.

Because photos without captions are only half the fun!

Still testing this... Seems interesting.

Great tool for bloggers, linkswapping and updating friends.
The Audio app was also one of my favorites, but it just vanished this week :(
Compare my list to others' - TechCrunch | Robert Scoble | Orli Yakuel